Christmas is coming....
As autumn moves into winter, the promise and warmth of Christmas is alluring. Of course it has meant a lot of work - a couple of commissions along with a frantic increase in production has resulted in some beautiful pieces but also total neglect of other more mundane tasks around the house and garden. Obsessiveness is a potter's trait perhaps, along with procrastination of all things not connected with pottery!
Anyway: the results are pleasing: there will be lots of new bowls and jugs and platters at the Craft Fairs this week in Ashtead, Dorking and Reigate (see the Current Events page for more details) and I will upload more photographs onto the Gallery page soon. Meanwhile here are a couple of images to whet your appetite ... just come along to the fairs to see the whole range!
Added to all this have been some great workshops at the local primary school - I'll write about these in my next post.